Who We Are

The Vineyard Genetic Code

John Wimber taught on 10 areas of ministry essential to any Vineyard Church. he called these areas the Vineyard Genetic Code because they are common denominators that identify us as family.  
A Vineyard experience typically includes:
1. Clear, Accurate, Biblical Teaching
2. Contemporary worship in the freedom of the Holy Spirit
3. The gifts of the Holy Spirit in operation
4. An active small group ministry
5. Ministry to the poor, widows, orphans, and those who are broken
6. Physical healing with emphasis on signs and wonders as seen in the book of Acts
7.  A commitment to missions- church planting at home and world missions abroad
8.  Unity with the whole body of Christ;  maintaining relationships with other local churches
9.  Evangelistic outreach
10. Equipping the saints in all areas of life and ministry